HoboBandy's Devlog

HoboBandy's Devlog

How to install and use Hugo on Ubuntu 23.04, served by NGINX on DigitalOcean


This is a consolidation of personal notes and tutorials I used to setup the DigitalOcean droplet for this site. I would have submitted a more step-by-step version to DO’s awesome Community Tutorials, but unfortunately their Write for DOnations program is temporarily closed.

Why Ubuntu 23.04?

The Lowkey theme used for this site requires Node v16+. Unfortunately, Ubuntu 22.04 offers v12. Thankfully, Ubuntu 23.04 offers v18+.

Initial Server Setup


  1. Initial Server Setup with Ubuntu 22.04 by Jamon Camisso

Personal Notes:

  • Disabled root login using sshd for security reasons.
    1. Edit the sshd config file sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    2. Comment out the line PermitRootLogin yes
    3. Restart the service sudo systemctl restart ssh
  • When generating ssh keys using puttygen on Windows, copy the public key from the textbox.

Installing NGINX on Ubuntu 23.04


  1. How to install NGINX on Ubuntu 22.04 by Alex Garnett
  2. Certbot instructions for NGINX on Ubuntu 20.04 Focal

Personal Notes:

  • Allowed “Nginx Full” in ufw. Cerbot adds rules to redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS.
  • Configured root for hobobandy.dev to be /var/www/hobobandy-dev, see below how this affects Hugo.
    • Allow user to manage files in that folder chown user:user /var/www/hobobandy-dev
  • Turned off server signature at bottom of error pages.
    1. Edit the nginx config sudo nano /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
    2. Uncomment the line server_tokens off; in the http block
    3. Restart NGINX for changes to take effect sudo systemctl restart nginx

Installing Hugo on Ubuntu 23.04


  1. How to install and use Hugo, a static site generator on Ubuntu 14.04 by Justin Ellingwood
  2. Deploying a static Hugo site with NGINX by Gideon Wolfe
  3. Hugo Getting Started
  4. Git Clone, Push, Pull over SSH

Personal Notes:

  • Download (wget) pre-built binaries from Hugo’s Github, I chose the extended version to prevent dependencies errors from modules/themes. Install the package using dpkg -i hugo_extended_0.119.0_linux-amd64.deb
  • Hugo autocompletion fails to create the file in /etc/bash_completion.d/, workaround:
    1. Create file in a temp folder your user has access to: hugo completion bash > ~/hugo
    2. Move the file as superuser to the bash_completion folder: sudo mv ~/hugo /etc/bash_completion.d/
    3. Restart session, or type . /etc/bash_completion.d/hugo
  • In case you haven’t done this yet, prepare the ssh key and add it to your Github. (see ref 4)
  • Create a Github repo (kept mine private) for the site prior to the hugo new site command. Clone the empty repo in your preferred folder. Use the command hugo new site /home/user/my-site. Add the folders public and ressources to the .gitignore, and any other files containing sensitive information (API keys, etc.).
  • Installed the theme using git:
    1. Add theme repo as a submodule: git submodule add https://github.com/nixentric/Lowkey-Hugo-Theme.git themes/lowkey
    2. Delete hugo.toml in the Hugo root folder.
    3. Copy theme example site files and overwrite existing: cp themes/lowkey/ExampleSite/* .
    4. Install packages, from Hugo root folder: npm install
    5. All done!
  • When building the Hugo site, make sure to specify destination and clean the directory. hugo --cleanDestinationDir -d /var/www/hobobandy-dev
  • Extension matters when creating new content with Hugo:
    • hugo new content posts/some-slug/some-slug.md
  • Remember to commit and push changes to your Github repo for backup.